There are more and more writers who not only see God in evolution but who see God as actually evolving. This can all get pretty philosophical, but it is also extraordinarily beautiful and poetic. Teilhard de Chardin is one such writer. He was a French philosopher, Jesuit priest, and paleontologist. He was a thinker who could draw upon both his scientific and religious backgrounds.
Below is a quote of text from Richard Rohr, a spiritual teacher and Franciscan monk, who has used Teilhard’s teachings in his own work.
“…Teilhard de Chardin ‘spoke of evolution as the emergence of consciousness and complexity. As entities become more complex in nature, consciousness increases or develops. . . . Teilhard sought to articulate a new philosophy based on the energy of love. His ontology of love is thus a radical shift from the world of being as substance to a world of love-energy and consciousness.’ In other words, the very physical structure of the universe is love or mutual allurement.”
Ponder that for a moment.
The very physical structure of the universe is love or mutual allurement.
A beautiful idea, no?